Saturday, June 30, 2012

This 32 yr old Internet millionaire tells hidden marketing secrets

This is a time sensitive matter that requires your immediate attention, so please take 2 minutes to read this entire email.

This is a long time question I have I asked myself but when I got the THIS program. I got my answer in this MUST SEE video

Question: What products do the multi-millionaire internet marketers buy?

Answer: NONE!

Here is why: Internet millionaires make the products for you to buy! and most of the time they are outsourced.

That's right!

NON-members you will find buying products (like I was and I bought lot.) Whereas members (of this secret society of internet millionaires) ...are the ones SELLING the products.

I have been a member of the illuminati for about a month now and I have seen video of the live events
where marketers pay $25,000 to get in.

Top secret marketing information is shared in locked "Oval Office" type settings. When I was was a NON- member, I could have never know these secrets.

Does this make sense? Good. Here is the link to get in

See you inside,

Christopher Wilson

P.S. You probably have been thinking about this for a couple of days. NOW it's time to act. I have also noticed that illuminati members will pay for consultation (He paid $25,000 to ??? another member), but not for products. Something to think about.

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